Corporate Restructuring

Our Firm is well equipped to advise clients on all aspects of corporate restructuring.

Corporate Restructuring

Our Firm is well equipped to advise clients on all aspects of corporate restructuring.

Changing market conditions, delayed customer payments, and changing projects’ terms and conditions among other factors might force companies to face financial distress situations, in a normal business environment.

If your company is in a distressed situation and facing legal liabilities caused by multiple lawsuits, resulting in blocked bank accounts or government services, we can help you bypass this phase through the different procedures available within the Saudi bankruptcy law, offered by our experts. Whether it’s financial restructuring, liquidation, or protective settlement, we have it covered.

Our services cover all phases of the bankruptcy procedure, including the application submission phase, corporate restructuring planning, development and program management, creditors negotiations and voting, as well as post voting phases. We help keep the communication going with all stakeholders and ensure proper compliance with court requirements and restructuring plan content.

We will work together to restructure the business legally, financially, and operationally to reach your strategic goals and bypass the temporary distress phase.

Our experience covers different industries, including but not limited to, construction, operations and maintenance, logistics, F&B, and others.

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